Carson Call

Hello! 👋 My name is Carson Call.#
I am a software engineer currently based in Provo, Utah. I have an obsession for self-hosting and data sovereignty (ask me about it at your own peril!). I am a lover of simplicity, elegance, and robustness. I believe that open-source technology can change the world. 🌎 I used to study botany🪻, and I was involved for a time in bioinformatics in botany. Now, I am more focused on delivering software products.
I’m from Arizona 🌵 and I love the desert. ☀️ Camping, backpacking, and road-tripping are some of my favorite things to do with my wife and dog.
While I love to learn about basically everything, I find myself especially drawn to infrastructure. I have my own homelab, where I enjoy optimizing and experimenting with all sorts of things. Finding the simplest, most elegant and user-friendly solution to problems is what brings me purpose. Many of these solutions are documented in my posts on this site. 😉 I have been iterating on a smart home that is actually “smart”, which includes building my own IoT devices that genuinely simplify things for my family, instead of forcing them to use an app to turn off the lights.
I am graduating from Brigham Young University with a bachelor degree in computer science in April 2025. Additionally, I will graduate with a minor in Spanish. I will be graduating with over 250 credit-hours (only 74 were required for my degree!) due to side-quests I took studying botany. I ended up taking quite a bit of chemistry, business, jazz, biology, bioinformatics, and botany in addition to the classes that were part of my major.
Work Experience#
I have had the opportunity to work in a wide variety of environments, including in research, education, large software engineer organizations, and small startups. Through these experiences I have developed into an effective communicator and adaptable team player.
I am currently participating in a program called Sandbox. It’s a startup incubator, where I receive school credit, access to mentors and investors, and space to create a real software company. Creating my own startup has given me unbelievable insight into the intimate relationship between building software and building a business. I was forcibly thrown from the window of the ivory tower that is Correctness ™️ and landed on the cold, hard ground of iterating fast to deliver value on time. This was a valuable experience.
My goals right now are to find a career and (hopefully) move to Arizona. My wife and I are excited to begin a family, and we are hoping to position ourselves to take that next step as soon as she finishes graduate school for dietetics. However, I am open to considering opportunities basically anywhere in the United States, Canada, or Mexico.
You can reach out to me at
About this site#
I created as a combination portfolio/blog. All opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent the opinions of my employers – past, present, or future. All advice on the blog is provided with the hope to be helpful, but I take no responsibility for the consequences of following the advice.